Friday, February 29, 2008

Too funny ....

Not having had the opportunity to vote here in the US - not naturalized yet - I relish in the US political process. Most of the time - it is followed by a long groan - but occasionally I see something that makes me smile. Walking back from my local subway just now I see a bumper sticker for a gentlemen who at some point was running for a congressional seat - his name - Al Weed. One needs to think about those banners on CNN - "Weed for Congress".


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Late Winter at River Bend

This past weekend was just the perfect time to get out for a quick stroll through River Bend. My two youngest daughters and myself spent 90 minutes strolling through River Bend park and down into Great Falls. "Dad-time" with his girls is a challenge at times - their Mom keeps them busy - not bitter but at times disappointed. But days like Sunday make up for it.

We caught site of this tree as we were watching the Loons in the Potomac - and grant it my LG8500 is not my preferred camera - I could not resist.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Where do the days go .....

Maybe I need to start using eCalendars for my personal life as much as I do for work. Last Friday I woke up at my regular 5 in the morning only to realize that I had missed the registration for the Reston Triathlon by almost 36 hours - which meant that the 600 competitive slots for the race had been filled for at least 30 hours. Well I have to put it behind me and find another race to run. The TriRATS Yahoo group has been great in providing some recommendations - I just need to find the time to do a little more looking into it.

I did start replacing my bike frame. My old one tool a small hit and the aluminum dented very nicely. No other damage so I figured for this year a new frame would suffice. Of course I have all the tools to switch out Shimano elements and I have a Truvativ crankset - sigh! Another trip to the bike store.

I do need to get this organization thing down though - I have increased weekly training over the last 4 weeks - but have yet to add in swim time - which also means I have not looked into how to improve my swimming. I now have two potential trips coming up - speaking at a conference in London in April and a potential meeting in Cairo in May - so I need to get organized so I do not ruin the training goals with the trips. Once again timing is tough but how does one turn down trips to London and Cairo.

Well I guess I could be doing some organizing or continuing this post ......


Monday, February 4, 2008

New job & scheduling training ....

So this year saw the start of a new job - well not really a new job so much as a move within the company. It was one of those opportunities that was hard to turn down. It certainly will not mean I am any less busy but I no longer will have a daily 100 mile commute. The 100 mile commute will be on an infrequent basis but my regular commute will be about 25 miles - which is perfect for riding. The new office also has a small gym for weights and is in Tysons so I can also run. Seems like it should be perfect for training - if I can schedule around the work and travel. Already looking at being in Cairo the week before my first Sprint Triathlon. I guess planning is going to get more and more critical.

The riding to work will also be nice so I have less dependency on my 4 wheels - which has been costing some extra $$s the last few weeks :-(

The job should be fun though - working with governments and other people for protection of Critical Infrastructure. Seems like planning for things will be big part of my work and non-work life for this year.

Now all I need to do is to find some good books on re-learning to swim. It is not that I cannot swim - BUT I certainly need to learn to swim more efficiently. February will be the first time in a pool in many years so I need to get some training aids to get me over that first big hump.