Well - this is it - my first day. One would think that this would not be such a big leap having maintained my own website for years and maintaining others as well but the blog thing really has not been an avenue for me - at least not until now. Maybe some music will help - turn on iTunes - shuffle ------ OK I forgot to remove the Christmas music from the playlist - live with it for now.
So I have had to think about what this blog will be - and I think it will end up being my motivation for training this year. And I may use it to brag about my girls so their grandparents can see how well they are doing ;-)
Training this year is for a couple of triathlons. My plan is to compete in a Sprint and an Olympic distance race. Of course it is something totally new for me - but I started running last year and got back to biking. Now I just need to start thinking about swimming as a element of the sport as opposed to drowning prevention. Don't get me wrong - I can swim - just not all that efficiently. So January will be setting a baseline - stripping off a few excess pounds and getting a base for building up my biking and running. Beginning of February will be evaluating my swimming and getting any help I need there and then start in February to work from a plan so I can get fully committed.
I know once I write that plan the determination will kick in. I just need to write that plan.