Well lets see ... the highlights .... October 10th had to be the biggest ... the day I got to watch, anxiously, as Laura walked down the aisle towards me ... and a little while later she said "I do" to become my wife.
Of course there was lots around that story .... leading up to the wedding and afterwards. A lot of the things that 2010 brought us were challenges and the fact that we made it through to October showed how much we were willing to work for each other ... to support each other ... to comfort each other and along the way find time to have some fun and share our love.
January started off as a good month with the Christmas break extending into a nice New Years with the girls. Then of course we get to start the New Year with two birthdays ... Sam's and Laura's less than a week apart ... which meant for a lot of cake. The month turned rough when we received news of the tragedy in Haiti. This hit us very personally as Laura has worked with many people in Haiti over the years and we spent many days trying to track down where her friends and colleagues were ... making sure that all was ok with them. It was no surprise to us that we found out that many had not just gotten through but now were dedicating themselves to doing everything in their power to help those in even greater need. Of course in the midst of that we were facing a deluge of snow here in Northern Virginia ... it reminded me of the heavy sows that I would see when I lived in Ottawa and even then it was rare to see as much snow as we did so quickly.
We made it through January to face yet another challenge when we found out that Laura's father has passed away at the beginning of February. I was in Nashville when we got the news and rushed back to make sure that Laura was not alone. It was a time that brought out a lot of emotions in both of us and in fact still does.
March, April and May were busy with travel and thankfully some running. I did two races in March in between trips to San Antonio and Minneapolis. We of course had our fun ... Kristen's Birthday, a hockey game, Laura's day shopping with the girls .... wait ... that was at my expense ... oh well ... they did have fun and came back smiling. Tika became a US citizen and turned 18 which meant lots of college visits filled the spring ... which meant more travelling. But the best travelling was a trip to Chicago that myself and Laura took. We had great weather ... museums and galleries ... great food ... great blues music and picnic lunches in the park with some great wine. The weekend we were there was the opening weekend of the Stanley Cup finals so the city was somewhat electric with hockey ... even the Gallery.
The summer of 2010 also did not lack for excitement ... more college visits ... a road trip for myself and Martika, before she disappeared to VCU in Richmond .... great celebrations of Canada Day and July 4th ... and Laura made my birthday so very special (and no not just by getting me an iPad). Tika's graduation started the summer off and Laura just kept doing wonderful things for me ... finding nice places for lunch or dinner and then taking me to wonderful wine shops and joining us for a Bugs Bunny night at Wolf Trap. Mine and Martika's trip took us to Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara, Buffalo, Sandusky and Pittsburgh. We had a great time touring cities, seeing friends, concerts, roller coasters and great eating. And then she disappeared off to college ... that is one of those bittersweet moments ... so proud to see her grow up and go off on her own but knowing that we will miss her (and we will still be paying for most of what she does ...).
... and then the fall of 2010 started. This was a time I could not wait for. We had been planning our wedding for months and now it was drawing closer. Laura's Mom came up and spent a weekend with us. She took Laura out dress shopping and they found what turned out to be one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen ... but on Laura it was THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DRESS. I will not say it was not a hectic time but on October 10th I forgot all about the work building up to that day. We had a beautiful day ... sunny with a wonderful temperature ... not too hot but no need for coats. We had a full house and friends and family from all over ... Eastern and Central Canada ... Texas, Tennessee, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia ... and Australia. We were so thankful that everyone was able to join us. The ceremony was beautiful with Laura's Mom serenading us and Paul reading a wonderful piece. The reception .. almost perfect .. save for the fish incident ... but Behzad's guitar, great food and a beautiful cake shared with friends and family overshadowed it all. For me it all made little difference as I was in a constant state of awe ever since I saw Laura walking down the aisle and then to have Sonia pronounce us husband and wife.
We spent a wonderful 9 days seeing the Northwest Coast ... a small place outside Victoria with one of the best hotels I have ever been in ... beautiful scenery throughout Washington State .. FABULOUS food in Oregon and of course the wines. We had so many wonderful wines everywhere we went and met some wonderful people and I know that we will go back to the Northwest to tour some more wonderful areas very soon.
After returning from our honeymoon we had a few weeks home before we took off for Nashville to celebrate our first Thanksgiving as Mr and Mrs Moore. Laura has made Thanksgiving a special time. She loves to go to Nashville and stay at one of the best hotels. She makes sure we have time to spend at Cheekwood and we always find time to see some other bits of Nashville, this time a wonderful gallery next to our hotel. Of course I get to eat at Noshville, but the highlight is the family dinner. Lisa does a wonderful job of hosting. You can see when you are at her house that she is a very wonderful and open person. She has friends stopping by for a drink or just to say hi. We of course eat too much but it is great food , great wine and great company and I am thankful that Laura has made the occasion such a special one for me.
And finally December ... and more firsts. Samantha's first involvement in a school play and our first Christmas as husband and wife. Laura made it special for everyone and it was obvious that everyone had fun. But December was not just about Christmas ... Laura capped her year by getting her two patents finalized.
It was an amazing year. It had very emotional moments .. some very low lows and some very high highs and in between lots of little challenges and lots of big victories. We laughed ... we cried ... we smiled ... we traveled and we learned lots about each other. It will be a year to remember and when I do I know I will smile.
Thank you for staying involved with it by following us.
All the best for 2011.
Gary & Laura