Tuesday was vacation day. Of course a relaxing vacation is to head to

Shenandoah Park and Hike Old Rag. For those unfamiliar, Old Rag is a easy to moderate hike with some nice big boulders on top of the mountain. Seven of us met in Centreville and then drove out to the park. Depending on where you check the hike supposedly takes anywhere from 4-1/2 to 5-1/2 hours and we had planned to do it in less than 4.
We started hiking a little after 8 and as we headed up we could see the fog was settling in

so big spectacular views was not going to be an option. Two of us, myself and Siri, kept a steady pace and we were soon ahead of everyone stopping a couple of times so we could keep the group together. We hit the summit in 1-3/4 hours

had a quick snack and then decided to head down. Most of the group decided to climb back down the way we came, a 3 mile hike, while Siri and myself decided we would take the 4-1/2 mile trail that included the fire road. We of course made it a challenge to see who could get to the parking lot faster. One other person decided to join us and off we went. Well we made the parking lot in under 45 minutes (yes we were moving) and decided to cool off in the spring close by.

After everyone else made it down, all in less than 3-1/2 hours, we headed to Thornton Grill in Sperryville for some lunch and then back to DC. It was a great hike and my legs reminded me of it this morning.
Have a great week and cu l8r .....