The girls got their report cards this week ---- they did very well as usual. Sam had 2 A+'s, 3 A's and 3 B+'s. Kris had 3 A+'s, 3 A's and a B+. Tika is following her Dad with with her worst grade in English, a C, but outside of that an A+, 4 A's and a B (in French - also not one of my strongest subjects). Now I will say that a C in Loudoun County is an 80. I was very proud of all of them especially since all of them are doing at least 2 and in most cases 3 advanced or honor courses. Kris was thrilled to see a current year GPA of over 4.
On the "Good Luck" side --- Tika leaves tomorrow afternoon for Italy. She will be there until next Sunday. This weekend she will be competing in an International Karate tourname

nt. "Good Luck" really does not do her justice as she has trained hard to get ready for this and after this years National title I am confident she will be a tough competitor. This will be the first time she has travelled overseas without me so I am anxious about that - but I know she has good people with her. I know she will have fun and will come back with lots of stories and pictures and I expect a medal.
I will post info and pics as soon as I get any
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