I finally got to relax after a long week last week - and it was needed.
Saturday Laura had planned a kayaking trip but with the weather a bit cool and the wind from the north making it a bit cooler we decided to take advantage of Free Museum Day and head to DC. The plan was to visit Hillwood Estates or the Newseum. Well neither worked out as both were jammed but for us that was not a bad thing as it meant we had an opportunity to head to the National Gallery.

We both love the galleries in DC and the National is one of our favourites. The National Gallery was one of our first dates so going back there is always a nice reminder, especially when we head back there in the fall.
They had a George Bellows exhibit there which was great to see. It is interesting to see over the years he painted and drew the changes in his work. The harsh brushstrokes, heavy paint use and the darkness of most of his early work that then contrasts against some of his later works which are softer in execution even though the topic is still strong. We caught one other exhibit before heading to the Hirshhorn to see the sculpture exhibit of the creatures of the Chinese zodiac. Hirshhorn is one of those galleries that does not get the attention it deserves but that is ok by me as it usually means smaller crowds.

Sunday, after a great run, myself and Sam grabbed some food at our favourite mediterranean restaurant, Zeitoon, and then headed to see "The Perks of being a Wallflower". This was a great movie. It is playing in less than a handfull of theaters in the area but worth finding one that is showing it. After the movie we stopped by the College Fair that was at Sam's High School. She has another year to keep thinking about what she wants to do but she wanted to go by and see if anything jumped out at her.
It was a great weekend - nice and relaxing and, for a change, quiet :-)