is a big event - about 8500 half-marathoners and over 10,000 5k runners. I would expect that there was likely more registered for the 5K but it was wet and cold early so maybe a few stayed away.
The race was great - I ran the half marathon and Tika ran the 5k. It was crowded, a bit windy, very cool and I did get wet from the occasional shower but I still managed a good run finishing just 2 minutes off the weekend before at 1:46:41. Tika also had a great run - consistent throughout her entire race and finishing in 30:30.
What made the weekend even better was getting to spend time with Tika while staying with our friends Malcolm and Lynne. Myself and Tika spent Sunday at the race, then she had us go to a great little restaurant on Gladstone called Pressed, where we had lunch with a couple of friends of friends, Nadia and Dennis. After lunch we did some shopping and then headed back to Malcolm and Lynne's so I could cook dinner. We had some great meals with the Browns and always great conversations.
There are a few pictures from the weekend - some of the official race photos and then some taken by my friend Tracy who also ran the half Marathon. You can see the pictures here.
If you need more than pictures there were raise videos at the finish.
Check out 34:55 in the video. I was wearing a yellow/orange long sleeve, black hat and had a red coat on my right hip.
And in this one you can just get a glimpse of Tika at 33:03 you will see a girl in a black top and pink tights all the way to the right on the screen - she is coming up to the finish and she crosses a couple of seconds later next to a guy in a yellow shirt
I may do one or two more races before the year ends but likely will be shorter ones just to have some fun.