Friday, October 29, 2010

The dangers of coffee shop blogging

I love my iPad. It was not something that I needed but when my fiancée, now my wife, gave it to me for my birthday I was excited. Was this a neat new toy or could it be more than that? Could it be a useful business tool? Well so far it has certainly become a valuable addition to the business tools I have - and it is still a neat new toy that was great to have on our honeymoon.

All that being said my iPad and the associated apps have come with some extra learning. Grabbing a tall coffee here at my local coffee shop I re-read some of my past posts and saw the glaring typos. Why did I not catch them? Well some of them were not typos in the purist sense as the words were spelt correctly - they were just words that did not belong in that context.

Lesson learned - re-read my posts before I post them. If I miss things I hope you all will catch me.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

flyaway said...

I completely agree on the iPad. I used it on a long flight to Spain recently and for most of the flights out and back it kept me occupied reading from my Kindle library (my wife was using our Kindle), doing photo editing, doing a little sketching and updating a travel journal.