It has been a busy 3 weeks or so ---- it started with a trip to SanFran for a few days - a good trip but VERY busy. Days were basically 12 hour days. I did manage to fit in two runs - each just under 7 miles down through the Embarcadero. It was of course windy but running near salt water was GREAT - felt like I could run forever.
The next week was in DC and it was a beautiful week. Got to swim, run and ride lots. Bike commuted one day - about 50 miles round trip so a good ride. The miles all felt great. I knew the week after would be rough on training - so I started to prepare for that.
Little did I know that the week in London would be so rough. Do

The worse part of the trip was coming down with some sort of chest "thing". I have been hacking up a lung since mid last week. That of course has meant bad nights sleeping and I have not been able to train. Hopefully will get this cleared up in the next day or so - only 5 weeks to the race.
--- G
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