Sunday, July 13, 2008

What a weekend ...

It was an interesting weekend ...

Saturday I went on a nice long bike ride - just about 70 miles. On my way back I came upon an accident scene on the trail I ride. Turns out an inattentive cyclist hit a pedestrian. No one there seemed to be trained in Emergency Management or first aid so I stepped in. The woman that was hit had a pretty serious injury to her arm but outside of that seemed mostly ok. The situation made it easy to keep her calm while calling for an EMT who eventually took her to the hospital. Her boyfriend seemed to appreciate the help - and of course I was glad I was able to make things a bit easier for her.

I had promised to post the video of Tika's win at Nationals - excuse the jumping at the end - I was just a little bit excited

Have a GREAT week ahead.

.... cu

1 comment:

flyaway said...

tika's win is great! i'm very impressed.