It has been just over two weeks since I went out for a morning ride when a lady went through a stop sign right in front of me and I slammed into her new SUV. As one can imagine the cyclist rarely gets the better end of that deal and I spent the next 36 hours in various ICUs having doctors, nurses and who knows who else checking me out. They did release me on Saturday evening carrying home with me a small fracture on the back of my skull, two smaller fractures in my left orbital socket, some minor bleeding and at least a couple of weeks of headaches.
I do consider myself lucky in that I am walking, talking and no other obvious injuries. It will be a couple of more weeks before I get back to exercising again, and riding my ride bike will be a lower priority this year, but I am feeling much better than two weeks ago.

I finally got to see my bike again. A lady who was out jogging picked it up for me and took it home and we finally synced up on Friday. The picture does not do it justice and it will be interesting to see what the bike shop says - but the handlebars and left shifter and likely done, both wheels are bent and then of course a good scratch on the frame.
The good news is things are getting back to normal and now I just feel like I have a medium flu bug. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that all else is OK and I am DEFINITELY grateful that I had someone to look after me for the last couple of weeks. I would not know what I would have done without you Laura. I am also thankful that my girls and Darlene were also there to help when they could - again a big thank you.
Hopefully I will see you out running this fall - I d have a 10 K I am planning to run in October :-)
Take care .....
Sorry to hear this but glad it wasn't worse.
Still not sure to be angry at the inattentiveness of others or to be glad I am getting my taste buds back. I think I will go with taste buds for now.
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