Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tika is off to college

Yesterday was one of those really good days but also a little bit tough.

I woke up yesterday more than a bit anxious as I would be taking Tika off to VCU to start her first year. Laura had left a couple of little trinkets around so that I knew it was my birthday and that she would make it a special day even when she knew I had a long one in front of me. I packed the car with stuff that we had at our place and then piddled around until Laura came back from the gym.

Laura did make sure the birthday side of things would be memorable by first telling me that there was something wrong with our blog. So I checked it and saw her birthday greeting and then she told me to recheck it as there was a clue as to my gift. When she saw me smile she excitedly ran upstairs and came down with my gift - a new iPad. And not just any - the biggest and most feature packed. You will see lots of stuff on it over the coming weeks.

So we then went to get the girls to head down a traffic filled 95 to get Tika to school. It was a long day - a late lunch and then 4 hours of moving stuff. Her mom and her Uncle Billy joined us to help (well we did need two cars for all her stuff). She also had a few friends join including Paula who you

have seen mentioned here from our last hockey game. We did get her settled in to her room with a view of the park and some of the cool old buildings on campus. She finished some decorating after we left as you can see from the picture. Her words when she sent the picture - a very Canadian decorating style.

I know she will do well - in everything - just hard to let her go.

Keep an eye out for info on what she does as well as what we will be doing over the coming weeks.

...... Cu

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Ryan Rd,Ashburn,United States

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