Tuesday, December 21, 2010

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.....

........and probably then some at 3:30 am when it is 20 degrees out and you are standing in the middle of the road in your pj's and Uggs looking at a brilliant sight that hasn't revealed itself to anyone in over 300 years. I don't know what I found more touching, the eclipse or my husband giving me his gloves and leading me by the hand and pointing to the sky to show me what he had discovered, hidden while I slept. He worries now that he didn't get a photo with his "real"camera to capture the image, but in my mind it will stay forever.........lying in bed I could hear him walking from window to window, in anticipation, in excitement of finding it for me. I heard him on the stairs, maybe a higher window on our third floor would coax it out of the sky. Then, the "ah ha" moment. He raced to get me nearly tripping on the stairs and stood over the bed his voice shaking with excitement whispering "sweetie I see it! I see it! I am sorry to wake you up again but if we walk out I will show you. I found it. You just have to walk out the front door and there it is" He hurried to get my coat still apologizing for waking me and opened the front door to show me. That is the picture that will stay in my head forever. Then I saw the eclipse, which paled in comparison.

Thank you for all of your congratulations on the patents. I am often asked why I live in Ashburn commuting 2-3 hours each way to work in Maryland. Sometimes I ask myself the same question, anyone would after 4-6 hours in the car, a full day at work, and a 4 am workout at the gym. Then on Thursday evening I make my way home and open the door and I see the 4 reasons I make the trip day in and day out: Gary and the girls. Not patents. And its all worth it.

Honey, a picture is worth a thousand words, and this one says you hung the moon for me.
Laura :-)

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