Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday in Baltimore

Yesterday myself, Sam and Tika headed up to Baltimore to pick up Kris. Every summer for the past couple of years Kris has spent the last weekend in July in Baltimore for Otakon. Otakon is a convention for fans of a variety of Japanese art forms including anime, Japanese music and much more. She travels to Baltimore and stays with a friend at her Aunt's house not far from the Inner Harbor. The girls always have fun and it usually takes Kris at least a week to come down from it. This year was no different - but she has fun, she thoroughly enjoys meeting new people that share a common interest and she gets to see a lot of friends that she does not see all that often.

So myself, Tika and Sam usually go up on the Sunday and pick her up. We always find a nice place to eat and try to enjoy the day in Baltimore. Grant it this year was a challenge to keep cool but it was fun. We did head into an interesting new store, well at least new to us as we had not seen it before. It is in the Inner Harbor area and it sells candy - and LOTS of it. 5 pound Gummi Bears, 1 pound Sugar Daddies and so much more. Tika found Vegan chocolate there that had pop rocks in it. That was quite a hot with Sam and Tika. Sam and Kris also found stuff that they loved and they enjoyed on the drive home .... I wonder how they slept last night?

As always we had a great day and now we are trying to figure out when to go to Baltimore again so we can go cruise on a pirate ship :-)

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