November 1st is a very special day for me. November 1st is the first time I saw Laura in person. She had invited me to have pancakes for breakfast at Silver Diner in Reston. Up she drove in her Mini Cooper S looking radiant. That day changed my life and I love to celebrate it :-)
Of course November 1st is also the day after Halloween. I have always like Halloween. OK - free candy may have had a little to do with it but there is also the excitement of the kids when they are dressed up and I get to carve pumpkins :-)
So this year I did two pumpkins - one modeled after Achmed from Jeff Dunham fame and the other a little bit of a celebration pumpkin as this was our first Halloween as Mr & Mrs Moore. I think Achmed could have used a Turban - maybe a bit better planning for next year :-)
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