Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Tika!!!

Happy Birthday Tika! 17 years old - YIKES! One more year of high school and then off to college.

So for Tika's birthday we did go to Dane Cook last Friday. I was hoping I would have a video of it to post but given the chance that someone under 17 may see the video I better hold-off posting it. As I mentioned before Dane Cook is not what would be called "family-friendly". So instead I am posting a pic of the US Sloop-of-War Constellation that we took while there. We had a bite to eat at the Inner Harbor right next to the last surviving ship from the Civil War.

The other thing that I wanted to post is a video from the tournament last weekend. This video is of Tika and Kris sparring. This video shows a bunch of things - how mature Tika has become - you can see how she is pushing Kris to make her better but not overwhelming her. To me that is the true sign of a great teacher. You can also see how good Tika is. I will say I was very proud of how Tika handled this match but I was also proud of Kris stepping up and scoring a point on the 2008 National Champion.

I will be out the next few days but will post some new stuff when I get back.

.... cu

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