Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sam's Guitar Concert

Much like her sisters Sam took up Guitar in Middle School. This past Wednesday was her 7th grade guitar recital.

Myself and Tika had gone out for dinner prior to the concert - some nice Thai food in Lansdowne so we got at the concert just as they were starting. Sam was in the second half of the concert so she was sitting in back as we walked in. After the first few performances including a solo and a quartet Sam's group came up. Sam was sitting right up front as you can see in the pic on the left. OK you can not really see her as my cell phone washed out all the faces with the way the lighting was done but she is in he middle of the frame - you can tell by all the blond hair.

Myself and Tika did have to mention to her that when she is up front she cannot wince when people miss a note.

They did great of course - Mrs. Edmundson is a wonderful teacher. Below is a short video of one of the pieces, Green Holm Jig. Enjoy.

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