A rainy Tuesday after Memorial day is not too bad I guess - unless you try and go out only to find road after road blocked due to flooding. I will not complain too much as it was a great long weekend - Saturday with Kris at the Torpedo Factory and Sunday with all the girls at the Finnish Embassy.

Kris had been wanting to go to the Torpedo Factory again ever since one of the potters that has a studio there came to her school. So this Saturday afternoon we took her and Brie down. Turns out Brie had never been there before so it was a nice treat for her. We had the opportunity to meet lots of artists along with seeing their work. We stopped into a couple of other shops on the way as well to see some more art, handmade jewelry and some ice cream.

Sunday myself and my girls all went to the Finnish Embassy in Washington to see an exhibit called My Helsinki. The premise was that the Mayor of Helsinki and the Ambassador from Finland had invited 12 Washingtonians from different walks of life to experience Helsinki and then to document their trip. There were environmentalists, educators, chefs, students and others involved. The first pleasant surprise was how beautiful the embassy was. The exhibit was wonderful

spanning 12 different aspects of Helsinki. they had food and drink as well to refresh us. After the embassy we went to DuPont to eat at Teaism and then off to bowl. I have good days and not so good days when I bowl - this was the latter and Tika handily beat us all - but we all had fun.

You would think that the rest of the weekend would be boring - well not so. I found a new trail to bike on and took my Mountain Bike out on Monday morning and rode down a few miles of it to find Lake Accotink. It was absolutely gorgeous early in the morning. Not a ripple. After a relaxing day we went to the Museum of Natural History to catch the new Ben Stiller movie in iMax. The movie itself was good - seeing it in iMax is great. Seeing it in iMax at the museum - VERY cool. Afterwards pizza and beer at Ella's capped off a great weekend.
I hope yours was as fun.
.... cu
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