Monday, September 6, 2010

Labored on Labour Day

Woke up this morning and decided to go for a nice run. They are almost finished the extension of Croson Road so right now it is car free and has a nice hill. So I left the house and ran up that way. I hit the hill after running just over a mile. I got to the top and decided to run through the rest of the neighbourhood. Two hills later I realized I ran 5 miles - the most I have run since the Marine Corps race in March. I think the break was a good ine but it is nice to be running again. I just need to make sure I continue to take it easy and build up the distances sensibly - not like the past when i would not run for weeks then go run a half-marathon.

Ok - having coffee with Kris right now at Caribou. Have a great Labour Day.

.... cu

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Grand Commons Ave,Fairfax,United States

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