Thursday, September 2, 2010

Looks like I get a trip to Richmond

After Tika having been at VCU for two weeks it was nice to be have a long weekend upcoming. She had planned to catch the train after classes on Friday and her friend Jenny would join her. She went online and bought the tickets and everything. Wow - so far so good.

Well that was until Eric decided to visit Virginia and well before its arrival our governor decided to flex his muscles and declare a state of emergency for the entire state. I certainly would have understood a state of emergency for the Eastern Shores, Hampton Roads etc ... but the entire state? Anyway after he declared the emergency Tika got a call from Amtrak to inform her that her train would not run Friday. Well of course she called, I think she is looking forward to the trip as well, and now it looks like I will go to Richmond tomorrow afternoon to get them. Jenny's parents will bring them back on Monday (or they may get the train).

I just hope I can time it to avoid the weekend traffic ..... I know wishful thinking.

.... wish me luck

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