Saturday, September 18, 2010

Life brings changes ......

I think  I am actually qualified to say that given the changes in my life in just the last few years .... but this is not about me. 

This morning I woke up and had a late e-mail from Martika. A late email from her is not unusual - she has been working hard at school and is quite often a late-nighter. This email was different. 

A few weeks back she had mentioned that her friend Jenny had wanted to go and check out the sororities at VCU. Tika was .... reluctant. She had never felt that the sorority thing was something for her. I talked to her and gave her my opinion which was that you will never know who you could meet or what you could learn if you never went at all and if you went and did not like it then maybe you met some nice people. Well she went and talked to some people who told her that they had met some of their best friends at just the first visit type sessions and in some cases one was in a sorority and the other friend was not. So she went and went again .... and is going again today. Turns out she found some of them very interesting and knowing Tika she also met some nice people there.

I am glad she opened the door to peek inside and if she decides to and gets accepted into one of the sororities then that is great. If not and she has met some new friends that is great as well. I am just glad she is exploring more things on her own.

Have a great weekend .... I am going to finish my coffee while Laura finishes up at Sax up the street.

.... cu

- Posted from my iPad

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