Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Updates and Orlando ....

Right now I am at a Government conference in Orlando. The weather is not great - but I guess better than DC - the lows here are the highs in DC the last couple of days - but I do not think the Floridians appreciate that. There have been a couple of good speakers here that have given me a few good ideas and I will be looking into those the next week or so and over the next few days I will post up some more info I gathered at the conference.

Work-related it has been an excellent conference since the people here are largely senior staff, CXO's etc ... so with the current changes going on in the government it is an excellent networking opportunity and I am sure some new business will come out of it.

On the fun side I was playing around last night - had chicken and beef rolls (sushi-style) and had some soy sauce left on my plate and starting playing with it and ended up with my soy sauce fish.

On the update side - I uploaded some photos of Sam and Tika from the West Virginia tournament. I added them to the post on the tournament so just scroll down to the February 8th post and you can see them.

Seeing how Kris was not in this tournament and I do not see enough pics of Kris on my blog I sneaked one of her the other day. I like it.

I am heading back from Orlando tomorrow - hopefully DC will have warmed up by then so I can do some more running outside - the Cherry Blossom 10 miler is only a month away.

Have a great day.

...... cu

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