Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Rough Week

OK if you saw the title you would likely awesome that the hurri-quake week for the East Coast was the reason for the headline. Well thankfully neither the earthquake nor Irene delivered any damage to our families. A few friends were/are without power and some lost some trees but we have not heard of any major damage or loss so we are thankful for that.

No - this has just been a rough week - and part of the reason I have been so quiet on the blogging side of things. Work has been very hectic with new things added on top of an already busy work life. To add to that - two years after my bike accident I have been still having pain in my hand so I had my doctor refer me to a hand specialist who determined that I have inflammatory arthritis in my right hand - well technically the lower joints of my right thumb. And if that was not enough it looks like I am going to have to drop my dream of running in the 2011 Marine Corps Marathon. I am not sure if it was the combination of running with Lyme disease or what it was but I have developed a stress fracture in my right tibia. I had been ignoring it for a while but I did finally go to my doctor and she is certain that it is a stress fracture even though it has not shown in an x-ray. She said I will not know for certain until I get a follow up x-ray in a few weeks but until then she says no running. Now I was going to ignore that last part but Laura is making sure I do not.

The good news of this week has been Tika is back at school, safe and sound, and settling in with her roommates. She is rooming with three other girls in a house just off campus and even with the little problems she seems excited by it all.

I guess there is always some silver in the clouds - we just need to remember to look for it.

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