Saturday, November 19, 2011

Balancing Exercise

Many people do not know this but I have had to really try and balance exercise. This has become even more true as I have gotten older. My best shape has been when I was competitive in Karate or Triathlons. Those days I was hovering 170-175, very fit and very healthy. Before that I could easily get to better than 200 lbs and since I have had to give up both Karate and triathlon I have gotten up to just under 195.

Running has helped in the last few years but to get running well I need to lose weight and I have a hard time starting slowly so even with my running layoff I have been very good about getting in cardio and watching what I eat. I am back under 180 so that has me happy but it is a lean 180 so now the other side of the balance comes in.

When I start to go to the gym to lift, to tone and strengthen the auxiliary muscles, I end up putting weight back on. Now do not get me wrong - it is muscle weight so not a bad thing from a health perspective, but it does make running more of a challenge as more weight to carry and thus more risk of injury running. So I am back to trying to figure out the balance between weight training for fitness so I can do other things and making sure I keep a healthy and efficient weight for running.

I guess I could have worse problems .... but to me it is still a problem ... and one I will eventually figure out.

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